Posted by Dave Everhard
Falls Rotary Member Megan Miller is an Un-Sung Hero!
At our meeting on Tuesday September 24th, District Governor John Reyes presented a Certificate of Award to Megan Miller for being one of our Club's Un-Sung Heroes.  The award recognizes a Club member's personal dedication, commitment and outstanding effort to promote the success of the Club's events and programs.
Our friend (and former club member) Suzanne Turpin sums it up in this note.
  • Megan is so deserving because she epitomizes the reason for the prize:
  • She is thoughtful and quiet, except when she needs to speak up.
  • She is smart, fun and one the most hardworking people in the club.
  • Her work is usually behind the scenes but without it not many of the big Rotary events would happen.
  • She does early mornings and late nights and even takes personal vacation days to plan and set up for club fundraisers.
  • She is creative in her approach to problems and quietly champions change for the growth and benefit of the club and Rotary as a whole.
  • She is also a thoughtful and caring friend.  I am pretty sure she, Amy Martin and I solved many of the world's problems together over a bowl of chips, salsa and a margarita!